Incidence of Cereal Rusts in Cultivar Trials, 1958–67

SUMMARY: Wheat yellow rust was found to be the most frequent and serious rust in cereal trials during the period 1958–67. Barley yellow rust, particularly on spring sown trials, was the next most frequent rust. The other rusts, brown rust and black stem rust on wheat, brown rust on barley and crown rust on oats occurred infrequently and at low intensity.Brown rust and black stem rust of wheat and brown rust on barley occurred mainly in the south of the country whilst crown rust on oats was of importance only at the trial centre in the south‐west.Weather conditions during and immediately after harvest, August‐October, seem to be of prime importance in influencing epidemics of yellow rust. But meteorological factors during other seasons of the year may modify the severity of epidemics. Wet, cool and cloudy conditions during the harvest and post‐harvest period appear to be a pre‐requisite of severe yellow rust on wheat.