Based on three principles taken from empiricism we establish a new nonlinear field theory which allows us to describe frictional effects in dissipative systems with the aid of a Schrödinger‐type field equation with logarithmic nonlinearity. This nonlinear field equation corresponds to the classical Langevin equation and can be interpreted in different ways, taking the view of classical undulatory theory or probabilistic theories, respectively. Because of formal similarities, calculations can be performed independently of the accepted interpretation; only the occurring quantities have to be provided with the corresponding meaning. As an example, the nonlinear field equation for the damped harmonic oscillator is solved exactly. The solutions, a wavefunction and a wavepacketlike solution, a solution with Gaussian shape, exhibit reasonable properties, contain the correct reduced frequency Ω=(ω20−γ2/4)1/2 and are different from the solutions of the undamped problem. The properties of our nonlinear friction term are discussed and compared with those of similar nonlinear friction terms used by other authors. Finally, we derive a nonlinear friction term equivalent to our logarithmic nonlinearity but involving only combinations of suitably defined operators of position and linear momentum and mean values of these operators.

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