1. (1) Nilodin (miracil D) given in the dosage of 20 mg. per kg. per day in two divided doses for 6 days, effectively sterilized the urine of S. haematobium in over 90 per cent. of 175 cases.Of those complaining of symptoms, 80 per cent. stated they were symptom free from 3 to 6 months after treatment. However cystoscopic examination of the bladder frequently showed that gross changes were still present. 2. (2) The administration of tincture of belladonna minims 10 or anthisan mg. 100, given with the drug, reduced the incidence of moderate to severe toxic reactions from over 60 per cent. to 15 per cent. The general impression was that anthisan was the more effective of the two drugs. 3. (3) It cannot be claimed that nilodin is an ideal drug, but in certain circumstances it is extremely useful. The small percentage of patients who are resistant to treatment can then be given those drugs which are more effective but whose courses of treatment are so much longer.

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