Action Spectrum for Photosporogenesis in Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr

An action spectrum for photoinduced conidium formation in the fungus B. cinerea Pers. ex Fr. was determined by exposing colonies to monochromatic radiation obtained from a diffraction grating monochromator. Wavelengths longer than 355 nm were ineffective even after exposures of 8 h at intensities of 4068-8276 erg/cm2 per s. Colonies were exposed at C for 226-355 nm at about 5 nm intervals. Three prominent peaks of effectiveness occurred at about 231, 268 and 283 nm, and there was also a minor peak at about 303 nm. The most effective wavelength for inducing sporulation was 231 nm; it was 25% more effective than the second most effective wavelength (283 nm).