A Batch Activated Sludge Study of Pineapple Wastewater Using a Bioaugmentation Process

A laboratory study was conducted to determine the feasibility of batch activated sludge reactor for treating pineapple wastewater and to examine the effects of bioaugmentation on treatment performance. The experimental set-up consists of eleven batch reactors. Activated sludge obtained from a wastewater treatment plant treating domestic wastewater was used as seed for the reactors. Synthetic pineapple wastewater was used as feed for the reactors. The eleven reactors were arranged to evaluate the total organic removal, nitrification, and sludge production by bioaugmentation process. Three major factors considered were influent organic loading, ammonia-nitrogen, and dosage of bacterial-culture-product addition. Removal of TOG (total organic carbon), sludge production in terms of SS(suspended solids), and ammonia-nitrogen removal variation are used as evaluation parameters. The TOC removal efficiency after the end of a 48 hour reactor run, for influent TOC of 350.14 to 363.30 mg/l, and 145.92 to 169.66 mg/l, was 94.41 to 95.89%, and 93.72 to 94.73% respectively. Higher organic removal was observed in the bioaugmented reactors with higher organic loading. The better organic removal efficiency in the bioaugmented reactors was probably due to activities of bacteria added. The test results also indicated that sludge yield was enhanced by the bacteria additive and high bacteria dosage produced less sludge. Bioaugmentation was observed to be a suitable alternative for enhancing the biological treatment of pineapple wastewater.

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