Biogenesis of mitochondria

The action of ethidium bromide and berenil on the mitochondrial genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been compared in three types of study: (i) early kinetics (up to 4 h) of petite induction by the drugs in the presence or absence of sodium dodecyl sulphate; (ii) genetic consequences of long-term (8 cell generations) exposure to the drugs; (iii) inhibition of mitochondrial DNA replication, both in whole cells and in isolated mitochondria. The results have been interpreted as follows. Firstly, the early events in petite induction differ markedly for the two drugs, as indicated by differences in the short-term kinetics. After some stage a common pathway is apparently followed because the composition of the population of petite cells induced after long-term exposure are very similar for both ethidium bromide and berenil. Secondly, both drugs probably act at the same site to inhibit mitochondrial DNA replication, in view of the fact that a petite strain known to be resistant to ethidium bromide inhibition of mitochondrial DNA replication was found to have simultaneously acquired resistance to berenil. From consideration of the drug concentrations needed to inhibit mitochondrial DNA replication in vivo and in vitro it is suggested that in vivo permeability barriers impede the access of ethidium bromide to the site of inhibition of mitochondrial DNA replication, whilst access of berenil to this site is facilitated. The site at which the drugs act to inhibit mitochondrial DNA replication may be different from the site(s) involved in early petite induction. Binding of the drugs at the latter site(s) is considered to initiate a series of events leading to the fragmentation of yeast mitochondrial DNA and petite induction.