Einkorn Characterization for Bread and Cookie Production in Relation to Protein Subunit Composition

Twenty‐four einkorns were evaluated for agronomic traits in Italy and in Germany in replicated plot trials. After dehulling and milling, the harvested kernels, flour protein content, sedimentation volume, falling number, carotenoid, and dry gluten content were determined. Farinograph profiles were obtained with a farinograph and baking and cookie quality were evaluated with standard microtests. Significant differences in yield potential were observed between the two locations, with a three‐fold increase in Germany as compared with Italy. One of the einkorn lines (ID529) had farinograph stability and degree of softening indices better than those of the control bread wheat. All the samples analyzed for breadmaking aptitude showed some degree of stickiness, but it was possible to handle the dough during the different steps of breadmaking. On average, cookies produced with einkorn flour were larger in diameter and thinner than those produced with soft wheat flour. The composition in α‐, β‐ and γ‐gliadins and in high molecular weight glutenin subunits was similar in all the lines. In contrast, the pattern exhibited in low molecular weight glutenin subunits correlated strictly with baking quality. In particular, the lines with bands arbitrarily designated a and b showed a high breadmaking potential, while the lines lacking these bands had an ample range of variability but, on average, a much lower baking potential. Our data point to a simple genetic control of the breadmaking aptitude and indicate einkorn not only as a promising source of specialty foods but also as an ideal species for genetic investigations on wheat quality.