Comment on: ‘‘Effect of temperature on nondissociative electron attachment of perfluorobenzene’’

The rapid decrease in the phenomenological rate of electron attachment to perfluorobenzene with increasing temperature, reported by Spyrou and Christophorou [J. Chem. Phys. 82, 1048 (1985)] can be attributed to electron detachment rather than a change in the rate constant for electron attachment. Using previously published data for the temperature dependence of the electron capture detector response [N. Herdandez-Gil, W. E. Wentworth, T. Limero, and E. C. M. Chen, J. Chromatogr. 312, 31 (1984)], the electron affinity of C6F6 has been calculated to be 0.86±0.03 eV. On the basis of this value the rate constant for electron detachment will become significant at high temperatures in an electron swarm.