Broken bones in domestic fowls: Effect of husbandry system and stunning method in end‐of‐lay hens

1. The effects of age at sexual maturity, age at culling, and stunning frequency and current on the incidence of broken bones were examined in end‐of‐lay hens. In addition comparisons were made between 4 different egg‐laying breeds, and between battery, perchery and free range husbandry systems. 2. High frequency stunning (1500 Hz) caused a reduction in the incidence of broken bones compared with 50 Hz. 3. Battery birds had a higher incidence of recently broken bones in comparison with perchery and free range birds. However, there were more old breaks in the perchery and free range systems than in the battery system. 4. Breed of bird, age at sexual maturity and age at culling had no effect on the incidence of broken bones.