The vascular selectins P- and E-selectin are inducible adhesion proteins expressed by endothelial cells that have been shown to support shear-dependent rolling of myeloid cells. This interaction is thought to be a prerequisite event for subsequent steps, such as tight adhesion/aggregation and transendothelial cell migration, involved in the accumulation of leukocytes into tissues. Certain lymphocyte subsets have also been shown to bind the vascular selectins, but the importance of this interaction in mediating shear-dependent rolling, as described for myeloid cells, has not been demonstrated. We expand on our earlier observation that bovine gamma/delta T cells bind E-selectin by showing that this interaction leads to a reproducible rolling event in assays done under shear forces that approximate those that occur in vivo. E-selectin, expressed by L cell transfectants or cytokine-stimulated human and bovine endothelial cells, equally supports the shear-dependent rolling interaction. The lymphocyte adhesion proteins L-selectin, CD44, and CD2 do not contribute to this event. Neuraminidase treatment of the gamma/delta T cells or addition of EDTA to the assay completely blocks the rolling interaction. We further show for the first time that P-selectin expressed by thrombin-activated platelets or a soluble P-selectin/human Ig chimera specifically binds gamma/delta T cells. The P-selectin interaction is similar to the rolling event mediated by E-selectin--it requires divalent cations and sialic acid on the lymphocyte, it lacks involvement of L-selectin and CD44, and rolling occurs under physiologic shear conditions. These results provide the documentation that the vascular selectins can support shear-dependent rolling of a lymphocyte subset and that P-selectin mediates the adhesion of gamma/delta T cells.