Possibilities of fish oil application for food products enrichment with omega-3 PUFA

Polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 series (omega-3 or n-3 PUFA), especially long chain EPA and DHA, exert strong positive influence on human health. Intake of these fatty acids is however usually too low: that brings many unfavourable health effects to the whole populations. Therefore the increased consumption of omega-3 fatty acids is recommended. A good way to raise the omega-3 PUFA content in the diet, without radical changes of eating habits, seems to be the enrichment of frequent and common consumed food products. The target of this study was to explore the possibility of selected food products enrichment with omega-3 PUFA, using fish oil preparations in liquid (30% EPA and DHA) and powder-micro-encapsulated (10%) form, without significant taste deterioration of the enriched foods. These were designed as functional food, useful in prevention of many diseases. It was shown that food product palatability was affected very differently by enrichment. The highest inclusion level was obtained in the case of instant powder-milk-based formulae concentrates (up to 18% that provided 1.8% EPA, DHA), fats (up to 1.5% that provided 0.5% EPA, DHA), and products of high sweetness and flavours intensity, that mask unpleasant fishy taste and odour. Enriched salad oil retained good quality during 4 months of storage: also concentrates- during 6 months. Shelflife prolongation of low pH, water-based products (fruit beverages), requires additional technological treatment to decrease oxidation. Enrichment at significant level (up than 0.1% that provides 0.03% EPA, DHA) of low-flavours intensity products (milk, vegetable juice), strongly decreases their palatability. As a final conclusion, authors suggest that frequent consumption of food products enriched at sensory acceptable levels may considerably increase EPA and DHA amount in the diet, improving its nutritional quality.

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