Chromosome studies of 242 spontaneous abortions were carried out by Q-banding technique. The abortuses were selected for study because they were phenotypically abnormal, had not progressed beyond 12 weeks development, or were from women with repeated abortions. Chromosome anomalies were found in 126 (52%) of the abortuses. Of these, 71 (56%) were trisomies. Trisomies were found for all the autosomes except Nos. 1, 3, 5, 11, 17 and 18. Triploidy was the second commonest anomaly in this series, making up 26 (21%) of the total anomalies. About 70% of these had an XXY sex chromosome complement. Only 16 (13%) of the abortuses had X monosomy, a lower frequency than would be expected in an unselected study. Tetraploidy was found in 8 abortuses and the 5 remaining specimens had various anomalies. These included 3 translocations, a trisomy 21,X monosomy and a ring chromosome 13. Except for the greater frequency of XXY than XXX sex chromosomes in the triploids, there was no evidence of a distortion of the sex ratio, either among the trisomic or among the chromosomally normal abortuses.