An Approach to Scoring Management on Large-Scale Dairies

Management is a complex, difficult-to- measure variable responsible for signifi- cant production differences among dairies that are otherwise similar. This study pre- sents an approach to quantifying manage- ment by having different types of experts rank dairies (in their own area of exper- tise) using 12 management categories and specified indicators within each and then aggregating the resulting scores in an overall index. Nine dairies in the Tulare milkshed were visited and ranked. Then validity of the resulting index was sup- ported when a nonexpert in the area's milkshed revisited and scored the same nine dairies 3 yr later. The index has proved useful as a variable in an econo- metric model of the Tulare dairy industry. Research plans include further confirmation of the index by having other nonexperts test it on a larger sample of dairies. The usefulness of com- ponents of the index also will be ex- plored. It is thought that the methods used here eventually may be applied by anyone interested in evaluating the man- agement component of dairies.