Wood anatomy of Griselinia littoralis Raoul, G. lucida Forst. f., Corokla cotoneaster Raoul, C. buddleioides A. Cunn., and C. macrocarpa Kirk is described. These woods are diffuse-porous. The vessels are angular and have exclusively scalariform perforation plates with 7 to 31 bars. In Corokla, very fine spiral thickening is sometimes present in vessels and fibrous tissue. Axial parenchyma which is particularly sparse in Corokla is diffuse, diffusc-in-aggregatcs, and scanty paratracheal. Rays are mainly heterogeneous type II. In Griselinia rhom-boidal crystals are present in the ray parenchyma. Vessels pits to rays are fully bordered in Corokla, while in Griselinia these are part-bordered or without borders. The fibrous tissue which is sometimes septate, is mainly composed of fibre-tracheids. Anatomical differences between species are described. The confusion in the literature regarding the occurrence and the arrangement of axial parenchyma in Griselinia and Corokla is clarified.