Immunochemical Studies on Shigella boydii Lipopolysaccharides

An investigation of the sugar composition of lipopolysaccharides derived from fifteen well‐defined Shigella boydii serotypes was carried out. All Sh. boydii lipopolysaccharides contained glucosamine, glucose, galactose, heptose and 3‐deoxyoctulosonic acid. These sugars were considered to represent the core polysaccharides and those except heptose and 3‐deoxyoctulosonic acid could represent the constituents of the O‐specific polysaccharide chains. In addition to the basal sugars, the following monosaceharides were detected as constituents of the various Sh. boydii lipopolysaccharides: mannose, rhamnose, l‐quinovosamine, galactosamine and 3,6‐di‐deoxyhexose. As a result, a chemical classification of Sh. boydii lipopolysaccharides into eight chemotypes was achieved and this differs from the accepted Sh. boydii classification.