Spin Determination of Intermediate Structure in the Subthreshold Fission ofNp237

A polarized neutron beam and a polarized target have been used to determine spins of 15 intermediate structure groups observed in the fission of Np237 below 1 keV and of 94 resonances observed in transmission below 102 eV. The pulsed neutron beam, from the Oak Ridge electron linear accelerator, was polarized by transmission through a dynamically polarized proton sample. The Np237, in the ferromagnetic compound NpAl2, was cooled by a He3-He4 dilution refrigerator. Nine individual fine-structure resonances comprising the first group at 40 eV were determined to have the same spin, J=3, substantiating the current interpretation of intermediate structure in subthreshold fission in terms of the Strutinsky double-humped deformation barrier. Correlation of these results with existing data on the angular distribution of fission fragments from aligned Np237 indicates an apparent admixing of transition states, as evidenced by nonintegral values of the projection quantum number, K.