Growth and health status of preschool Karen highlanders

The physical growth and health status of preschool (< 6 years) Karen highlanders belonging to the Pwo (212 males, 227 females) and Sgaw (107 males, 101 females) ethnic groups, and residing in northwest Thailand are described in the present report. The growth and health status of Thai tribal groups, including the Karen, is generally assumed to be substantially poorer than those of Thai lowlanders, who are primarily of Thai ancestry. However, the Karen highlanders in the present report fell within the range of variation in growth and health status found in lowland southeast Asians. Also, the growth and health status of Pwo preschool children tended to be significantly poorer than those of Sgaw children, despite the fact that both groups reside in isolated villages within the same ecozone and utilize similar food production techniques. The cause of these differences cannot be determined at the present time, but several potential factors are discussed.