Predictive value of DNA measurements in bladder washings. Comparison of flow cytometry, image cytophotometry, and cytology in patients with a past history of urothelial tumors

Comparative DNA ploidy measurements were carried out by flow cytometry and by image analysis on cells in 71 bladder washing specimens from 50 patients with past histories of bladder tumors. Among the specimens classified as diploid or questionable by flow cytometry, 14 showed the presence of aneuploid DNA values documented by image analysis. In 18 of the 50 patients, recurrent tumors were observed during a relatively brief period of follow-up. In 15 of them the DNA pattern was aneuploid and in three it was questionable. In nine of the 15 patients, both methods of DNA analysis disclosed aneuploidy, but in six patients aneuploidy was detected by image analysis only. A combination of DNA aneuploidy, whether observed by flow cytometry, image analysis, or both, and of positive or suspicious urine cytology is highly predictive of recurrence of high grade bladder tumors. Image analysis of DNA content in bladder washings adds information of clinical value above and beyond that obtained by flow cytometry.