The cell membrane-associated respiratory electron transport chain of Neisseria gonorrhoeae was examined using electron paramagnetic spectroscopy (EPR) at liquid helium temperatures and optical spectroscopy at liquid nitrogen and room temperatures. EPR spectra of dithionite-reduced particles indicated the presence of centers N-1 and N-3 in the site I region of the respiratory chain, whereas reduction with succinate revealed the existence of center S-1 from the succinate cytochrome c reductase segment. Free radical(s) resembling that due to falvin semiquinone were observed with both reductants. Low temperature (77 K) optical difference spectra indicated the presence of cytochromes with alpha band maxima at 549, 557, and 562. Bands at 567, 535, and 417 nm, characteristic of the CO compound of cytochrome o, were also identified. Cytochromes a1 and a3 were not detected; however, a broad but weak absorbance with an alpha band maximun at 600 nm and a Soret shoulder at 440 nm was observed. Hence the respiratory chain of N. gonorrhoeae appears to contain several nonheme iron centers, cytochrome c, two b cytochromes, with cytochrome o which probably serves as the terminal oxidase.