Über Vorkommen und Aktivität der Xylit: NADP-Oxydoreduktase (L-Xylulose-bildend) in Wirbeltieren

The activity of xylitol: NADP-oxidoreductase (L-xylulose forming) was measured by an optical test in extracts of acetone powders from the main organs of the guinea pig and the liver and kidneys of representatives of various orders of vertebrates. In the guinea pig, the highest activities are in the liver and kidneys, and they are about the same as the accompanying glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; in all other guinea pig organs, the activity is only 4.5-20% of the latter. The enzyme is present in the liver and kidneys of all the vertebrates [including man, fish, and amphibian] studied, but there is no relationship between the level of activity and the phylogenic stage of development. Very high activities were found in bird kidneys, and low activities in reptiles, rabbits and cats.