An inversion technique has been developed to calculate local poloidal rotation velocities of impurity ions from line-integrated measurements of an extended emission source in a tokamak plasma. This technique can recover radial spatial resolution that is lost due to the curvature of the field lines. With charge exchange emission from neutral beams, it can be used to obtain poloidal velocity profiles across the entire minor radius of the plasma without requiring restricted neutral beam height to localize the emission. The technique consists of two Abel-like matrix inversions to obtain the emissivity and the velocity-weighted emissivity from which the velocity is obtained. Use of the neutral beams breaks the assumed symmetry, but knowledge of the beam deposition and geometry allow analogous matrices to be generated. The inversion technique is demonstrated with a simulation of a poloidal rotation diagnostic for the TFTR tokamak with tangential neutral beams with a height of 80 cm. Two opposing vertical views are required to handle effects of the charge exchange cross section, which can cause apparent velocities greatly in excess of expected poloidal velocities. The simulated errors due to the inversion process are about 1.5 km/s near the plasma center.