Analysis of Rotatory Dispersion Curves of Configurationally Related Fatty Acids

The dispersion curves of fatty acids of the type     CH3     |HC–(CH2)xCOOH     |    R have been measured in the visible and in the ultraviolet regions with a view to establishing the sign and the magnitude of the contribution of the radicals     CH3     |HC–(CH2)x     |    R and —COOH to the total rotation. The variables were R and x, the latter varying from 0 to 2. It was found that the increase of the chain of R had no effect on the sign of the contributions. The change of x from 0 to 1 or 2 resulted in a change of sign of the contribution of —COOH, leaving the sign of the other contribution unchanged. For 4 of the compounds it was possible to determine with precision the values of each of the two contributions.