Zinc-65 Metabolism, Secretion into Milk, and Biological Half-life in Lactating Cows

Following oral dosing, zinc-65 metabo- lism was studied in 10 first-lactation Holstein cows during the 5th and 6th wk of an experiment in which a high beet pulp, low-zinc diet (16.6 ppm) was fed without and with (39.5 ppm total zinc) supplemental zinc. For the 14 days after dosing, cows fed low zinc had a much higher net zinc-65 absorption (53.4 versus 34.8%) and consistently secreted far more zinc-65 into milk (14.4 versus 6.3%). The zinc secreted into milk of cows fed low zinc during the 14 days had been in the body a shorter time than in controls, indicating greater de- pendences on recently consumed zinc for secretion into milk. The biological half- life (in lactating ruminants defined as the time required for one-half of the zinc-65 dose to leave the body via feces and milk) was shorter for the cows fed low zinc. Lactating cows are able to ab- sorb a high percentage of dietary zinc, and lactation is a major factor in zinc metabolism and homeostasis. Major changes in zinc metabolism occur before performance is affected.