Experimental Model for Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy by Intravitreal Dispase: Limited by Zonulolysis and Cataract

The intravitreal injection of dispase has been shown to be a valuable method for induction of experimental PVR. The goal of the present study was to gain additional information about potential side effects associated with this method. Twenty-one pigmented rabbits received a single injection of dispase under topical anesthesia to one eye only, contralateral eyes served as untreated control. The animals were injected with doses from 0.045 to 0.065 units of dispase: 8 animals received 0.045 units, 9 animals 0.055 units and 4 animals 0.065 units. Proliferative vitreoretinopathy occurred in 81% of the treated eyes. In 90% cataract formation was observed. Lens luxation was present in 47.3% of the cataract eyes. Intravitreal injection of dispase resulted in the reproducible induction of PVR in addition to cataract formation and lens luxation. Whether these effects may all be associated with a toxic reaction or whether the proliferative changes are solely triggered by endogenous reactions similar to the pathomechanism of human PVR and whether the cataract formation and the lens luxation may be avoided by changing the method of injection require further investigation.