Conditioning Stochastic Reservoir Models to Well-Test Data

Summary: Generating realizations of reservoir permeability and porosity fields that are conditional to static and dynamic data are difficult. The constraints imposed by dynamic data are typically nonlinear and the relationship between the observed data and the petrophysical parameters is given by a flow simulator which is expensive to run. In addition, spatial organization of real rock properties is quite complex. Thus, most attempts at conditioning reservoir properties to dynamic data have either approximated the relationship between data and parameters so that complex geologic models could be used, or have used simplified spatial models with actual production data. In this paper, we describe a multistep procedure for efficiently generating realizations of reservoir properties that honor dynamic data from complex stochastic models. First, we generate a realization of the rock properties that is conditioned to static data, but not to the pressure data. Second, we generate a realization of the production data (i.e., add random errors to the production data). Third, we find the property field that is as close as possible to the uncalibrated realization and also honors the realization of the production data. The ensemble of realizations generated by this procedure often provides a good empirical approximation to the posteriori probability density function for reservoir models and can be used for Monte Carlo inference. We apply the above procedure to the problem of conditioning a three-dimensional stochastic model to data from two well tests. The real-field example contains two facies. Permeabilities within each facies were generated using a "cloud transform" that honored the observed scatter in the crossplot of permeability and porosity. We cut a volume, containing both test wells, from the full-field model, then scaled it up to about 9,000 cells before calibrating to pressure data. Although the well-test data were of poor quality, the data provided information to modify the permeabilities within the regions of investigations and on the overall permeability average.