Four protein precipitating agents (tri- chloroacetic, perchloric, picric, and tung- stic acids) were compared for their ability to estimate the quantity of microbial protein in rumen fluid. Trichloroacetic acid proved the best precipitating agent among the four; however, because of conflicting results of other workers, another method was sought. Differential centrifugation was used to separate bac- teria quantitatively from in vitro fermen- tation mixtures. However, when cooked substrates like Starea were used, a poly- saccharide slime draped the bacteria and prevented their separation. To overcome that problem, differential centrifugation was discarded, and a direct high-speed centrifugation and methanol-extraction procedure was used. This method esti- mated adequately microbial synthesis when cooked and uncooked substrates were compared.