Evaluation of an Entomopathogenic Bacterium, Fungus, and Virus for Control of Heliothis zea on Soybeans12

In 1975, populations of larvae of Heliothis zea (Boddie) feeding on caged soybeans were reduced 92–100% by the nuclear polyhedrosis virus Baculovirus heliothis, 69–96% by the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, and 19–77% by the fungus Nomuraea rileyi Samson. Results were similar when evaluations were based upon number of damaged pods and damaged seeds. In 1976, an autodispersal technique (release of virus-infected larvae) reduced populations of larvae and adults 99 and 98%, respectively; the most effective spray treatment reduced them 96 and 90%, respectively. The average percentage reductions in pod damage, seed damage or yield-loss obtained with the autodispersal treatment were equal to or greater than those obtained with the best spray treatment.