Introduction Dr. Harvey B. Holl, F.G.S., has obtained many very perfect Silurian Entomostraca, and the late Lieutenant Henry Adrian Wyatt-Edgell got some good specimens from the Border Counties; and indeed Dr. Holl made an extensive and valuable collection from the limestones and shales of the neighbourhood of Malvern; nor has his collection been fully described and illustrated as yet, although several selected forms have been published in the “Annals of Natural History,” for December, 1865, and March, 1869. The remarkably rich collection of Silurian Entomostraca, however, brought together by Mr. J. Smith, of Kilwinning, contains some of the finest specimens yet seen; and the following notes on the places where they were obtained, and a list of the species (although provisional only, and not fully worked out), must be of interest, and probably of some practical value both to the geologists of Shropshire and to palæontologists in general.—T. R. Jones.

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