Borg, I. & Emås, S. 1970. Reduction of the Acid Response to Pentagastrin by l-Hyoscyamine in Ulcer Patients. Scand. J. Gastroent. 5, 149-153. The effect of 1-hyoscyamine treatment on the acid response to subcutaneous pentagastrin (6 μg per kg body weight) was studied in 27 ulcer patients. The highest tolerable dose of 1-hyoscyamine in sustained-release tablets varied from 0.4 to 2.8 mg every 8th hour. The treatment significantly reduced the basal 30-minute acid output by an average of 67 per cent and the peak 30-minute acid output to pentagastrin by 29 per cent. The treatment significantly reduced also the acid concentration of the basal and pentagastrinstimulated gastric secretion.