The equilibria in the solvent extraction of radium from aqueous sodium nitrate/sodium hydroxide solutions by toluene solutions of dicyclohexano-21-crown-7 (DC21C7). 2-methyl-2-heptylnonanioc acid (HMHN). and mixtures of the two reagents are examined. The mixed reagents are synergistic in the extraction of radium and selective for radium over other alkali and alkaline earth elements. The dependencies of the extraction on pH and reagent concentration were utilized in computer modeling to estimate the stochiometry of the extracted complexes and equilibria involved the extraction. Three organic-phase species were identified in the extraction under basic (pH 11-13) conditions. With A = MHN. B = DC21C7 and assuming NaA is a 10-fold aggregate they are. RaA2B.NaA. Log K = 3.57: RaA NaA. Log K = 0.99: and B 2NaA. Log K = − 0.41. The effect of the presence of various concentrations of sodium