Inhibition of the hydrogen+oxygen reaction by ethylene. Part 2.—Discussion and evaluation of velocity constants

The preceding paper has presented the results obtained from a study of the inhibition of the H2+O2 reaction by C2H4. The variation in inhibition efficiency with pressure has been attributed to an increasing probability that as the pressure is lowered, the C2H5 radicals, formed in the primary inhibition process by the addition of H atoms, react further to propagate the chain. In the present paper the possibility that the “hot” C2H5 radicals propagate the chain through OH radicals is eliminated. The variation in inhibition efficiency is shown to arise from a competition between the dissociation of the “hot” C2H5 radicals, to form H and C2H4, and their stabilization by collisional deactivation. The finite efficiency of C2H4, even at zero pressure, is due to the removal of H and OH radicals from the system by abstraction reactions with C2H4, which become increasingly important as the pressure is reduced. The following velocity constants have been obtained at 813°K. H+C2H4= C2H* 5, 3.5×109 l. mole–1 sec–1, C2H* 5= H+C2H4, 3.3×108 sec–1, H+C2H4= H2+C2H3, 2.5×108 l. mole–1 sec–1, OH+C2H4= H2O+C2H3, 1.1×1010 l. mole–1 sec–1.