Evidence of a Double-Lid Movement in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Lipase: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Pseudomonas aeruginosa lipase is a 29-kDa protein that, following the determination of its crystal structure, was postulated to have a lid that stretched between residues 125 and 148. In this paper, using molecular dynamics simulations, we propose that there exists, in addition to the above-mentioned lid, a novel second lid in this lipase. We further show that the second lid, covering residues 210–222, acts as a triggering lid for the movement of the first. We also investigate the role of hydrophobicity in the movement of the lids and show that two residues, Phe214 and Ala217, play important roles in lid movement. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a double-lid movement of the type described in our manuscript has been presented to the scientific community. This work also elucidates the interplay of hydrophobic interactions in the dynamics, and hence the function, of an enzyme. Lipases hydrolyse long-chain fatty acid esters at water-oil interfaces through the mechanism of interfacial activation mediated by the movement of a lid subdomain that covers the active site. Studying lid movement is an area of active research in the field of protein dynamics. The lipase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a 29-kDa protein that was previously crystallized in the open conformation, and as expected, an approximately 20-residue lid subdomain was identified. In the present study, the authors report extensive molecular dynamics simulations of the P. aeruginosa lipase. They show that this protein has two lids covering the substrate-binding pocket. The first lid is the one proposed from the known crystal structure. The second lid, a much shorter one, lies over the binding pocket facing the first lid. Furthermore, using position-restrained simulations, these authors show that movement of the second lid may actually be a trigger for the movement of the first, and that this triggering action is driven by hydrophobic contacts between the two lids. This computational study paves a way for experimentalists to study the structure and dynamics of this protein in greater detail in order to understand coupled subdomain movements in a comprehensive fashion.