Forty-nine consecutive patients with bleeding from peptic ulcers that would conventionally have required surgical intervention were randomized to receive endoscopic injection of adrenaline (1:10000) or laser photocoagulation. Patients were included only if they had a visible vessel at endoscopic examination. Five patients proceeded directly to surgery and, of the remaining 44, 21 received laser photocoagulation and 23 injection therapy. Haemostasis was achieved initially in all patients. There was one rebleed in the group of patients who received laser treatment and four in those treated by injection. All five patients underwent further endoscopic haemostasis according to the initial randomization. Haemostasis was again achieved in all cases, but the patient who had undergone laser treatment suffered recurrent haemorrhage after a further 48 h and subsequently died. Overall, one of the 21 patients receiving laser treatment died compared with none of the 23 injected with adrenaline. Injection of adrenaline achieves similar results to laser photocoagulation for bleeding peptic ulcer.