In experiments carried out in three successive years an assessment has been made of the feeding value of field beans (Vicia faba L.) as a protein supplement in laying rations. When 15% beans were fed in a cereal‐based diet without methionine fortification, egg production was depressed significantly below that attainable with a diet containing fish meal as a protein supplement. When 0.1 % DL‐methionine was added to the diet, production was raised significantly to a level which in most cases was not significantly different from that supported by the fish meal diet. Whether or not methionine was added to the diets, the inclusion of bean meal at levels of 25 to 33% gave rise to lower egg production than did a level of 15%. Culling losses during the experiments tended to be higher on the bean diets. It is concluded that field beans supplemented with methionine can be a useful source of dietary protein for laying hens but the rate of inclusion should not exceed 15% until more is known of factors which cause lowered production at higher levels.