EXTRACELLULAR cholesterosis is a rare chronic systemic disturbance of lipid metabolism in which, for some as yet unknown reason, cholesterol finds its way into the tissues causing a definite clinical and histopathologic picture. Urbach1 investigated and reported the first case of this disease and also named it. This case had previously been described by Kerl2 and subsequently was again reported by him.3 Search of the literature does not show any other report until that made by Laymon.4 Two cases in which the condition resembled this disease were reported by Levin,5 and Frost and Anderson,6 but the diagnoses were never fully confirmed. Rosen7 had a patient under observation for many years who presented the chief features of this condition. It is our impression that there have been other examples of this disease which were unrecognized. REPORT OF A CASE A. C., a white married