Hemodynamic, Hormonal, and Renal Effects of the Prostacyclin Analogue Iloprost in Conscious Dogs With and Without Heart Failure

To test the efficacy of exogenous prostaglandins for vasodilator therapy in heart failure, we studied the effects of the prostacyclin-derivative iloprost (1.5-150 ng/kg/min) in seven conscious dogs before and after induction of heart failure by right ventricular pacing (250/min, 10 days). In healthy dogs, iloprost (150 ng/kg/min) decreased mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) (-45%) by a decrease in total peripheral resistance (TPR) (-55%), and increased cardiac output (CO) (+24%) and heart rate (HR) (+ 20%) with no effect on right atrial and pulmonary arterial pressures (RAP, PAP). Plasma norepinephrine (NE) (+ 47%), renin (+ 351%), and aldosterone (+126%) were increased. Urine flow (-70%) and Na excretion (-53%) were decreased. Iloprost (15 ng/kg/min) increased renal blood flow (RBF) (+29%), but did not change glomerular filtration rate (GFR). In dogs with heart failure, iloprost decreased arterial BP (-31%), TPR (-42%) and pulmonary vascular resistance (-28%) and increased CO (+29%), with no change in RAP and PAP. Plasma NE (+34%), renin (+385%), and aldosterone (+146%) were increased. RBF was unchanged, GFR (-24%) and filtration fraction (FF) (-30%) were decreased, as not urine flow (-65%). In experimental heart failure, iloprost is a potent arteriolar dilator, increasing CO with no preload effect. These beneficial effects are limited, however, by further neurohumoral activation and deterioration of renal function.