The First Stellar Binary Black Holes: The Strongest Gravitational Wave Burst Sources

Evolution of first population of massive metal-free binary stars is followed. Due to the low metallicity, the stars are allowed to form with large initial masses and to evolve without significant mass loss. Evolution at zero metallicity, therefore, may lead to the formation of massive remnants. In particular, black holes of intermediate-mass (100-500 Msun) are expected to have formed in early Universe, in contrast to the much lower mass stellar black holes (10 Msun) being formed at present. Following a natural assumption, that some of these Population III stars have formed in binaries, the physical properties of first stellar binary black holes are presented. We find that a significant fraction of such binary black holes coalesces within the Hubble time. We point out that burst of gravitational waves from the final coalescences and the following ringdown of these binary black hole mergers can be observed in the interferometric detectors. We estimate that advanced LIGO detection rate of such mergers is at least several events per year with high signal to noise ratio (>10).Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ Letter
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