Occurrence of a nontypable Helicobacter pylori strain lacking Lewis blood group O antigens and DD-heptoglycan: evidence for the role of the core 1,6-glucan chain in colonization

The cell envelope of Helicobacter pylori contains a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) essential for the physical integrity and functioning of the bacterial cell membrane. The O-chain of this LPS frequently expresses type 2 Lewis x (Lex) and Lewis y (Ley) blood group antigens that mimic human gastric mucosal cell-surface glycoconjugates. This article describes the isolation and structural analysis of the LPS from a clinical isolate of H. pylori strain PJ2 that lacks Le antigens but is still capable of colonization. Subsequent composition, methylation, and CE-ESMS analyses of LPS revealed its core oligosaccharide structure to be consistent with the previously proposed structural model for H. pylori LPS. In addition, it carries an unusually long side branch α1,6-glucan and was devoid of Le O-chain polysaccharide. Its ability to colonize the mouse stomach was essentially identical to that of DD-heptoglycan- and Le antigen– producing H. pylori strains.