Newly identified exons encoding novel variants of p94/calpain 3 are expressed ubiquitously and overlap the α‐glucosidase C gene

There are two classes of an intracellular ‘modulator protease’, calpain: ubiquitous and tissue-specific. p94/calpain 3 is an example of the latter, predominantly expressed in muscle. A defect in the p94 gene causes muscular dystrophy. Here we report that human and mouse p94 genes have a possible novel alternative promoter expressing p94 variants in all tissues examined including human lens epithelial cells. The possible promoter region and the following novel exons overlap the 3′ region of the neutral α-glucosidase C gene. Unlike p94, the novel p94 variants expressed in COS7 cells do not undergo rapid autolysis, suggesting basic functions different from p94