Absolute rate constant determinations for the deactivation of O(1D) by time resolved decay of O(1D) →O(3P) emission

Absolute rate constants for the deactivation of O(1D) atoms by some atmospheric gases have been determined by observing the time resolved emission of O(1D) at 630 nm. O(1D) atoms were produced by the dissociation of ozone via repetitive laser pulses at 266 nm. Absolute rate constants for the relaxation of O(1D) (×10−10 cm3 molecule−1⋅s−1) by N2(0.30±0.01), O2(0.41±0.05), CO2(1.2±0.09), O3(2.4±0.1), H2(1.3±0.05), D2(1.3±0.05), CH4(1.3±0.3), HCl(1.4±0.3), NH3 (3.4±0.3), H2O(2.1±1.0), N2O(1.4±0.1), and Ne (<0.0013) are reported at 298 K. The results obtained are compared with previous relative and absolute measurements reported in the literature.