Spin Fluctuations in a Magnetically Frustrated MetalLiV2O4

Inelastic neutron scattering is used to characterize spin fluctuations in the d-electron heavy fermion spinel LiV2O4. The spin-relaxation rate, ΓQ, for Q=0.61 is 1.4(2) meV at low temperatures and increases linearly with temperature at a rate of 0.46(8)kB. There is antiferromagnetic short-range order at low temperatures with a characteristic wave vector Qc=0.64(2)1 and a correlation length of 6(1). While warming shifts intensity towards lower Q, the staggered susceptibility peaks at a finite wave vector for T<80K. The data are compared with conventional heavy fermion systems, geometrically frustrated insulating magnets, and recent theories for LiV2O4.