Chromosome survey of new patients admitted to the four maximum security hospitals in the United Kingdom

In a survey of male patients admitted to the 4 maximum security hospitals in the United Kingdom during 1972-1972, 26 of 611 (4.26%) karyotyped had chromosome abnormalities. Of these, 13 (2.13%) had a 47,XYY abnormality; 5 (0.8%) were chromatin positive but 2 of these had cell lines that included an extra Y chromosome, one being a 48,XXYY male and the other a mosaic 48,XXYY/47,XYY. Patients (8) with autosomal abnormalities included 2 with Down''s syndrome and a 47,XY, + 21 karyotype, 2 with small supernumerary chromosomes, 47,XY + marker chromosome, and 2 with inherited balanced translocation. The significant finding was the very high frequency of males with extra Y chromosomes. It was most marked in the younger patients and particulary in those who were aged 20 yr or less (approximately 6%). As a group the XYY males were therefore significantly younger than all other male admissions. As in previous surveys they were also significantly taller and 60% were 185 cm or more in height. There were no other distinguishing physical characteristics associated with the 47,XYY karyotype. In all but 2 patients the behavior disturbances were attributable to psychopathic disorders and mental subnormality was diagnosed no more frequently than in the total population studied (approximately 50%).