Lamar Cave, a late Holocene paleontological site in Yellowstone National Park, USA, has yielded 36 fossil mammal species from 10 stratigraphic units representing about 2000 years. The fossil fauna is similar to the mammals in the park today and affords a unique opportunity to investigate paleocommunity and ecosystem dynamics through time. Remains of an extralimital species in Yellowstone today, Microtus ochrogaster are found only in the oldest cave deposits, dated at 1695 ± 60 yr B.P. Disappearance of this species by about 1550 years ago marks evolution into the ecosystem that has persisted into the present and is recognizable by a fossil mammal assemblage that is virtually identical to the modern one. Relative abundance fluctuations in the mammal populations imply community resilience through the past 2000 years. Trends in relative abundances of small mammals, particularly the inverse relationship between Microtus and Spermophilus are interpreted as evidence of declining grass cover near Lamar Cave between approximately 1500 and 1000 years ago. The initiation of this environmental change may well have stimulated the ecosystem change marked by Microtus ochrogaster extirpation. Support for this hypothesis is found in a pollen record from a nearby lake.