Mexican Americans and mental health: A selected review and recommendations for mental health service delivery

Eight working assumptions are generated from the gterature in three problem areas and evaluated with recently published quantitative data, paying particular attention to variation within the ethnic group. Assumptions that Mexican Americans have few emotional problems, primarily use a folk medical system, do not rely on clergymen for emotional support, and have negative attitudes toward mental health services are rejected. Two assumptions are qualified: Mexican Americans have some emotional problems at different rates than Anglos and some Mexican subgroups are relatively unaware of mental health services. There is confirmation of the Mexican American extended family support system and mental health policies which variously discourage utilization by Mexican Americans. Implications for mental health service delivery are discussed. Mental health research among Mexican Americans has increased at a rapid pace in the 1970s. A recent comprehensive bibliography of Hispanic mental health (Padilla & Olmedo, 1978), for example, found 24 articles concerning mental healthproduced in the decade 1960-1969 compared to 248 articles produced in the period 1970-1977. Many of these articles deal specifically with psychopathology, psychotherapy, and mental health service delivery. It is appropriate at this point, therefore, to examine our vastly increased knowledge about Mexican Americans' mental health and assess the implications for mental health services. Concern for Mexican Americans' underutilization of mental health services has been the basis for much of past and current research. Within this general framework, investigation has concentrated on three problem areas which are the focus of review in this paper: (a) the prevalence of mental illness among Mexican