Heat induced production of 5-Hydro- xymethylfurfural and of the protein- bound pigments (melanoidines) in con- centrated skim milk was studied. Under normal commercial sterilization condi- tions (F < 5), 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural concentration increased sharply with the heat intensity. Above F = 5, (overheat- ing), slightly additional amounts were produced. In contrast, the amount of protein-bound pigments increased at a constant rate with heating intensity iu the whole range of F (F -- .5 to 18). Thus, 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural determi- nation provides a rapid method for esti- mating the intensity of the heat treat- ment for normal processing of concen- trated milks. However, accurate measure- ment of overheating would require the more time-consuming determination of protein-bound pigments.