Breeding System and Tests for Pollen-Limitation in Two Species of Banksia

Three factors that potentially influence fruit set (breeding system, inadequate cross-pollination and variable floral display) were examined for two species of Banksia. Firstly, self-pollination and autogamy treatments failed to produce any fruit in B. spinulosa and produced very few fruit in B. paludosa. This suggests that cross pollen is required to produce the level of fruit set observed in the field. Secondly, when plants were given abundant cross pollen, fruit set was not altered in B. spinulosa but was in B. paludosa. Although the number of follicles per inflorescence was was not different for open- pollinated (control) and manipulated B. paludosa inflorescences, the latter produced twice the proportion of inflorescences with follicles produced by control plants and twice the total number of follicles per plant. Thirdly, larger floral display in open-pollinated B. spinulosa plants was associated with a greater production of fruit. However, larger floral display was not associated with a greater reproductive output in B. paludosa, and we suggest that recurrent pollen-limitation in this species may be responsible for this result.