Successful treatment of cranial metastases of extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma with chemotherapy alone

Extrapulmonary small cell carcinoma (EPSCC) is a distinct clinical and pathological entity other than small cell carcinoma of the lung. We present a case with EPSCC, with neurologic impairment due to brain metastases at initial diagnosis, which showed a complete response to combination chemotherapy. A 55-year-old male patient was first admitted with a mass of 6×6 cm in diameter in the right cervical region. The diagnosis of small cell carcinoma was entertained with immunohistopathologic and light microscopic findings. During the period of investigation the tumor showed rapid progression and the patient had neurologic dysfunction with right hemiparesia, and papilla oedema in fundoscopy. Cranial CT showed supratentorial multiple cranial metastases and peritumoral oedema. Since the patient refused radiotherapy, combination chemotherapy was started (Etoposide 100 mg/sq m i.v., days 1,3,5 and cisplatin 80 mg/sq m i.v., day 1). A fast response to the chemotherapy was observed with rapid disappearance of the cervical mass. Following six cycles of the chemotherapy the patient recovered fully and all the lesions disappeared with CT.