Guide to Anticoagulant Therapy: Heparin

Thrombi are composed of fibrin and blood cells and may form in any part of the cardiovascular system, including veins, arteries, the heart, and the microcirculation. Because the relative proportion of cells and fibrin depends on hemodynamic factors, the proportions differ in arterial and venous thrombi.1 2 Arterial thrombi form under conditions of high flow and are composed mainly of platelet aggregates bound together by thin fibrin strands.3 4 5 In contrast, venous thrombi form in areas of stasis and are predominantly composed of red cells, with a large amount of interspersed fibrin and relatively few platelets. Thrombi that form in regions of slow to moderate flow are composed of a mixture of red cells, platelets, and fibrin and are known as mixed platelet-fibrin thrombi.4 5 When a platelet-rich arterial thrombus becomes occlusive, stasis occurs, and the thrombus can propagate as a red stasis thrombus. As thrombi age, they undergo progressive structural changes.6 Leukocytes are attracted by chemotactic factors released from aggregated platelets2 or proteolytic fragments of plasma proteins and become incorporated into the thrombi. The aggregated platelets swell and disintegrate and are gradually replaced by fibrin. Eventually, the fibrin clot is digested by fibrinolytic enzymes released from endothelial cells and leukocytes. The complications of thrombosis are caused either by the effects of local obstruction of the vessel, distant embolism of thrombotic material, or, less commonly, consumption of hemostatic elements. Arterial thrombi usually form in regions of disturbed flow and at sites of rupture of an atherosclerotic plaque, which exposes the thrombogenic subendothelium to platelets and coagulation proteins; plaque rupture may also produce further narrowing due to hemorrhage into the plaque.7 8 9 10 11 Nonocclusive thrombi may become incorporated into the vessel wall and can accelerate the growth of atherosclerotic plaques.9 12 …

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