Radiative Muon Capture in Hydrogen

It is shown that Γrad, the rate (in sec1) of the radiative muon capture reaction μ+pγ+ν+n, is very different in the two eigenstates of total [μp] spin (hyperfine effect in radiative muon capture). It is further shown that, in each of these two eigenstates, Γrad depends sensitively on the magnitudeo f the pseudoscalar form factor. In particular for gP(μ)=8gA(μ) (pseudoscalar form factor dominated by a single pion pole term) the ratio, R=ΓradΓnonrad, of radiative to nonradiative muon capture rates is given by: Rsing=4.96×103634=0.079×104 (spin-singlet [μp] atom); Rtrip=9.00×10213.3=69×104 (spin-triplet [μp] atom); Rmixt=6.87×102168=4.1×104 (statistical mixture of spin-singlet and spin-triplet [μp] atoms); Rmolec=3.07×102560=0.55×104 (spin-doublet ortho [pμp] molecule). If, on the other hand, gP(μ)=16gA(μ) (with the additional contribution to the pseudoscalar form factor taken to be effectively independent of momentum transfer for |q2|mπ2), the ratios R become: R