Effect of Dilazep on Coronary and Systemic Circulations

In order to assess the effects of dilazep on central hemodynamics and regional flows, 0.2 mg/kg of the drug were administered intravenously to 6 open-chest anesthetized dogs. Hemodynamic and flow measurements were performed under control conditions, and approximately 5, 10 and 25 min after treatment. Dilazep caused a marked and sustained reduction of coronary resistance and increased coronary blood flow. Flow increased uniformly in the subendocardial and subepicardial layers of the left ventricle so that no significant change occurred in the endo/epi flow ratio. Dilazep caused a significant reduction of total systemic resistance and aortic pressure, however flow to the liver, kidney and spleen was not reduced. We conclude that dilazep exerts a dilating action on the coronary and systemic arterial beds and increases uniformly regional myocardial blood flow. Dilazep does not alter the transmural distribution of coronary blood flow and does not impair kidney, liver and spleen perfusion.